Mintgroene kruinen
druppels bergkristal
langzaam van zich af
Crystal Sun
Frisgroen vitaliserend blad
Smakkende hertensnoeten
Bruine ogen glimmen trouw
Silver Sun
Vroege paddestoelen naast
nat geregende zomerpaden
Voetstappen in de modder
Golden Sun
Huid verkwikt zonnegloed
kristallijnen wolkenluchten
Agaat en Jaspis lichten
purpergeel op
No heart
The day starts slowly
Your heart awakens
The eyes still closed
You feel the warmth of the hot burning sun
There she is right beside you
Her velvet skin warm as the sun
Her eyes still closed
You feel her soft hands touching you
Her lips searching and finding yours
Shaking NO whispering YES
Her eyes blinking now behind thick black lashes
Helplessly frantically lost in eachother
She moves her lovely body
Towards you and you find her curves
The hills you adore the most
She moves you makes you feel magic her one and only
Flushing cheekbones moist eyes moist lips
Blushing sparkling bodies
gliding sliding shivering smooth desire
The truth a warm loving heart
All you trust all you sense is melting snow
Het dekbed is donker gestreept
Godendrank kussens
Jouw blik absorbeert de mijne
Angst verdwijnt
Telkens je geur